添加影片排片资料 Add a Movie Schedule

Add a Movie Schedule - step 1, select a showing date

本次已录入完毕日期 date added
放映日期 Showing Date  
当天排片与前某天的排片一致 the same as a previous date
当日排片资料拷贝至 copy today's scheduling from   (请保证左侧录入的日期早于上一行日期 plese ensure the date input on the left is earlier than the date on the top)


  1. 请确认将要录入影片的基本资料已经已经录入完毕。 Please ensure all basic info has been inputed

  2. 为确保不重复录入数据,本次已录入日期的数据将会显示在最上面(系统将会自动记忆)。to ensure not to input duplicated data, the date on which has been already input will be showed on the Top

  3. 关闭浏览器后系统的记忆信息将会自动删除,显示在最上角的信息就不再准确。However, once the window is closed, the data saved in the computer's memory will be deleted, and the date showing on the top is incorrect

  4. 倘若某天排片资料与前一(几)天中某天所录入的信息完全一致,请勾上“当天排片与前某天的排片一致”选项,并将“当日排片资料拷贝至”日期选择前某天。if some date's schedue is the same as that of a previous date, please tick "copy today's scheduling from" and select the corresponding previous date


***** A Reminder: Chrome in Windows OS is recommended to best run this application. *****